paid search ads

Integrated paid search strategies that achieve immediate online presence, awareness and conversion

Paid Search Advertising

Create an instant online presence that generates awareness, leads and sales. We specialise in the full range of paid search advertising campaigns including Google search, shopping, display, remarketing and Microsoft ads.

Our strategy-first™ approach focuses on the entire customer journey, rather than just one digital touchpoint. We identify ways to reach and convert new and returning users across multiple touchpoints utilising a variety of advertising formats such as video, image, animations and text. We identify digital platforms your target customers use, research how they search for information, define critical conversion points, and create content that converts. 

Our paid search advertising campaigns are comprehensive; made to capture your ideal audience when they're most likely to convert.  We think beyond just campaign creative, spending time upfront to research and workshop the right strategies that will drive growth. 

Our strategy-first™ approach for PPC marketing results in powerful, integrated campaigns that drive real results for our clients.  

Google Ads PPC campaigns

Google Ads PPC campaigns

Google Ads PPC campaigns

87% of search engine searches occur on the Google network, making it the ideal network to reach new customers. PPC or pay per click search ads appear at the top and bottom of search results on Google, and are triggered by search terms or keywords related to your business. Google Shopping ads showcasing product details, images and pricing, are an additional PPC format for ecommerce websites. 

We involve our strategists, copywriters and paid search experts in the planning and execution of each paid search campaign. This intensive approach and detail to strategy sets our campaigns and performance apart from other PPC agencies.  

Our campaign managers think beyond clicks and impressions. We focus on your bottom line and business objectives, to deliver real results. We think outside the box to strategise creative ways to outrank your competitors and increase your brand presence across Google. 

Our Google PPC advertising campaigns are monitored and evaluated on a daily basis to get the most traffic and conversions for the lowest cost.

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads

Shopping ads are prominent visual ads that display product information at the top of Google search results. They're created using data attributes from the product information on your website and are shown to people who are already searching for the kinds of products you advertise; often resulting in high conversion rates. An estimated 87% of shoppers look for information online before visiting a store with a further 35% of shoppers searching for information after visiting a store. Google Shopping ads play a role at all stages of the customer journey and are critical for any ecommerce business wanting to achieve visibility and sales online. Our strategy-first™ approach and experienced team of paid search specialists have achieved over 21 times return on ad spend (ROAS) with shopping ads for ecommerce clients. Learn more about our approach and Google Shopping management services.

Microsoft Ads PPC campaigns

Microsoft Ads PPC campaigns

Microsoft Ads PPC campaigns

Bing doesn't receive the same traffic levels as Google, however, this makes it a great alternative when it comes to paid search advertising. Because of Bing's lower traffic numbers, advertising is less competitive, making Microsoft Ads an excellent cost-effective way to reach new audiences. 

In competitive industries (such as legal, insurance or finance), Google Ads simply aren't an option for many businesses due to the high cost per click. Microsoft Ads on the Bing Network can target audiences searching for the same keywords at a portion of the cost. 

Our Campaign Managers are Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional, meaning they're at the cutting edge of knowledge when it comes to the Microsoft platform. We will work with you to create a Bing PPC campaign, or combination of Bing and Google Ad campaigns to target the right users and optimise your ad spend budget.

Display Advertising

Display Advertising

Display Advertising

Harness the power of the Google and Microsoft Display networks and be found wherever your target customers are browsing online. The Google Display Network alone covers over 2 million websites reaching 90% of internet users worldwide.

Google Ads and Microsoft Ads give businesses the opportunity to place targeted display offers on an extensive network of websites (publishers) across the internet. Publishers allocate space on their website (ad inventory) with the option for detailed targeting based on website topics and audience interests. Display ads are most commonly seen in image, video, and animated image formats. 

Display Advertising campaigns begin with a detailed audience profiling strategy, and deep level segmentation to understand user behaviours and motivations. We match demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioural attributes to the criteria provided by Google Ads and Microsoft Ads audience profiling technologies to ensure the right audiences are targeted. 

We strategise display campaigns with a goal of guiding users through the customer journey from awareness to conversion with a combination of top of funnel brand awareness activities to profile and target users, and bottom of funnel remarketing ads to drive action. 

Extensive time upfront planning, researching, and strategising, results in top performing, high converting PPC display campaigns for our clients.  

Remarketing campaigns

Remarketing campaigns

Remarketing campaigns

Re-connect with visitors who did not make an immediate purchase or enquiry. Both search and display networks offer unique abilities to target visitors after they leave your website with branded ads to re-engage and bring them back to your website. 

Remarketing involves placing cookies on your website that can track visitors. This allows your remarketing ads to follow them as they browse elsewhere on the internet. Remarketing ads can be run across the Google and Microsoft display networks, along with YouTube and many social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. The sheer scale and reach of these networks results in a near limitless ability to target your ideal customers no matter where they spend time online. 

Remarketing PPC advertising is critical to recapturing website visitors and driving online conversions, making it an essential part of all PPC strategies. 

Google and Microsoft Ads Partners

You’re in good company, we’re Google and Microsoft Ads Partners

Google and Microsoft Ads Partners

The Google Partners and Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional badges indicate an individual or agency has completed training courses and exams specific to each platform, and is up to date with the latest knowledge and best practices from Google and Microsoft. 

Our paid search campaign managers are Google Ads and Microsoft Ads certified, a stringent accreditation that needs to be renewed on an annual basis, forcing practitioners to stay current on platform updates.

At Sentius Digital, we value learning with knowledge development being one of our key company pillars. In addition to remaining Google and Microsoft Ads certified, our Sages partake in additional in-house training and knowledge development activities to ensure they're at the leading edge of their industry. 

Our difference

Why choose Sentius Digital for PPC?

Strategy-first™ means the right campaign approach and better results

Strategy-first™ means the right campaign approach and better results

We use best practice, ethical techniques and guarantee transparent results

We use best practice, ethical techniques and guarantee transparent results

Our integrated strategies focus on the entire customer journey across multiple devices and channels

Our integrated strategies focus on the entire customer journey across multiple devices and channels

Proven campaign performance across diverse businesses and industries

Proven campaign performance across diverse businesses and industries

Detailed reporting and regular strategic performance review meetings

Detailed reporting and regular strategic performance review meetings

No fixed or minimum term lock in contracts

No fixed or minimum term lock in contracts

Our process

Our strategy-first™ approach to paid search

PPC Strategy

  • Initial consultation & campaign strategy planning - consultation over the account and budget
  • Local search campaign setup (if applicable)
  • Google AdWords account setup
  • Keyword research & bid (CPC) strategy
  • Landing page consultation
  • Geo-Targeting - focused geographical or location based keywords and ad displays
  • Dedicated Account Manager and personalised support

Ad Design and Copywriting

  • Ad account structure setup including campaigns, ad groups and ads
  • Strategic copywriting of ads aligned to brand identity
  • Design of display and remarketing ads, aligned with Google Ads best practices
  • Google Analytics tracking integration
  • Remarketing tag installation
  • Client reporting portal login configuration

Campaign Optimisation

Daily campaign & performance monitoring

Search term review & assessment

Budget and bid adjustments

Negative Keywords – monitoring & removing the negative keywords which can lead to increase budget for non-targeted areas

Ongoing campaign monitoring, management and modifications to achieve the defined objectives

Advanced reporting (analysis of reports with strategic recommendations)

Paid search client success

Paid search client success
Paid search client success

We have just signed a client, who enquired through the website via the paid search campaign. This client will commit to processing 2,000,000 transactions per year with us. Great work, Sentius Digital!

- Client from Finance Industry

We've worked across nearly every industry

Consumer Products


Government Services

Training & Development


Building & Construction


Health & Community Services

Retail & Franchising

Property and Real Estate

Mobility and Disability


Health & Beauty Services

Distribution & Wholesaling

Business Services


Facilities Services

Hospitality & Events

Ready to start growing your business with paid search? Get in touch


Paid search advertising & PPC FAQs

How much do PPC ads cost?

The pay per click model operates on an auction system, and the price paid for each click varies depending on a range of factors including time of day, competitiveness (how many other advertisers are bidding on the same keyword), quality score, and ad content. The cost per click can range from a few cents (for a non-competitive brand name) to tens of dollars for highly competitive keywords. We recommend clients start with a minimum budget of $30 per day for pay per click ads. We can recommend a specific budget based on your industry and how competitive it is.

I’ve wasted money paying for clicks that don’t deliver leads. What am I doing wrong?

The Google and Microsoft Advertising platforms are complex and challenging to navigate for someone without specific expertise in these platforms. Many businesses try to run PPC ads in-house to save money on management fees, but without the right level of knowledge and expertise, this can be a waste of money. At Sentius Digital, our Campaign Managers have extensive experience in these platforms with proven success delivering results. We work with you to establish campaign objectives upfront, working to meet these objectives and KPIs each month.

How do I make my ads convert?

If website conversions are your primary goal for PPC, we can create a campaign strategy to maximise conversions. We tailor ad copy, bidding strategy, keywords, and landing pages to increase the chances of achieving a conversion. We can implement broader strategies using remarketing to re-engage with users and send them back to your website in the hopes of converting.

How do I know if a lead comes from an Ad or a different channel?

Establishing a measurement and tracking strategy is imperative to the success of every PPC campaign. As part of our campaign setup process we integrate Google or Microsoft Ads with Google Analytics to ensure campaign performance data including leads is getting tracked. We can then report on the specific number of leads that come from PPC compared to other channels.

My competitors’ ads appear above mine, do I need to spend more to beat them?

PPC advertising algorithms use a variety of factors to determine where an ad shows up. They take into consideration the advertiser, landing page, targeted keyword and bid, along with factors related the individual conducting the search: their previous browsing history and interests. This results in a unique set of search results for every search.

Whilst spending more money can help your ad show up more, it won't necessarily help you outrank competitors. We monitor ad position, and make adjustments to optimise your campaign and improve the ad rank position over time.