email & marketing automation

We craft powerful automation strategies and use industry-leading technology to guide customers from enquiry to conversion

Let email automation do the heavy lifting when it comes to driving engagement and nurturing leads.

Marketing Automation and Email Solutions

80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that provides personalised experiences (Epsilon). Consumers want personalisation; are you providing it?

Opportunities to engage and convert website visitors using personalised marketing automation are endless. Product recommendations, personalised content, special offers, shopping cart abandonment, and lead nurture eDMs are just a few of the strategies available when it comes to marketing automation. 

Email plays a central role in marketing automation by keeping users engaged, informed, and guiding leads through a lead nurture funnel that may eventually result in a purchase.

Whether you need regular email marketing or an enterprise level marketing automation strategy, we have the capabilities and expertise to craft and implement the right strategy to grow your business, drive engagement and conversion through email and automation.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Educate, inform and keep your brand top of mind with regular email marketing. Email direct marketing (eDM) is an effective and inexpensive way to stay in touch with current customers and connect with potential customers, generating valuable leads for your business.

Regular email marketing helps develop trust and nurture prospects toward conversion.

Many organisations and agencies don't take a strategic approach when it comes to database segmentation or email marketing, resulting in content-heavy messaging, disconnected designs and eDM campaigns that don't convert. Getting the right balance between design, content and calls to action is critical to achieving success through this channel.

At Sentius Digital, we strategise, design, write and implement email marketing and automation campaigns that are measurable and effective. We work with you to understand your database structure and online goals in order to develop an email marketing strategy that will get results. We create email campaign calendars mapping content themes and promotions over a period of time, and manage the process from design to delivery to ensure maximum impact and conversion. 

Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

CRM and marketing automation campaigns attract, engage, convert and nurture customers through each stage of the marketing funnel.

Many brands are so focused on off-page marketing activities, they overlook the opportunity to engage with website visitors in real time, provide personalised web experiences, and capture visitor information in order to nurture these visitors toward conversion.

Marketing automation can effectively automate the customer journey by delivering a sequence of on-site and off-site communications through a variety of channels, giving the user critical information they need in order to take the next step toward conversion. Marketing automation activities are often carried out on your website (onsite retargeting) and through a series of automated emails, and through other digital marketing channels such as paid social media, and remarkekting across the Google network.

Our automation strategies are designed to capture and engage website visitors at critical points in the customer journey and nurture them into loyal, high value customers. We spend time mapping the customer journey, defining critical conversion points on your website and segmenting your target customers in order to create the right strategy.

Our strategic expertise, combined with technical capabilities and in-house automation software result in high performing automation campaigns delivering measurable results and growth for our clients.

Lead Scoring

Lead Scoring

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a critical part of email and marketing automation, designed to gather information about a user and determine when and how to begin an automation sequence.

AI technology is used to track engagement, and when a contact reaches a certain score, an automation sequence is triggered, sending your contact the information they need – at the exact moment they’re interested.

Information can be sent to the contact, to pre-qualify their level of interested based on the engagement behaviour they demonstrate such as opening emails, revisiting the website, downloading forms and white papers or requesting a demo.

User behaviour and events create datapoints that can be used to deliver personalised messaging. This can include sending highly personalised emails or advertisements and follow-ups such as chat bots, onsite retargeting banners, and using the right call to action based on their lead score.

Onsite Retargeting

Onsite Retargeting

Onsite Retargeting

Sometimes referred to as exit intent technology, onsite retargeting is designed to contain and convert abandoning web visitors into leads, sales and signups. This technology provides additional conversion points for a potential customer to opt in to future communications from a business. 

As the user moves to exit the site, they are presented with a targeted display offer. Our onsite retargeting software uses AI technology to serve the optimal message and offer to each user based on their browsing behaviour. Once a user opts in, they can be served a customised automation flow to guide them through the customer journey toward conversion.

Our difference

Why choose Sentius Digital for email marketing and automation?

Strategy-first™ means the right key search terms and better SEO results

Strategy-first™ means the right key search terms and better SEO results

100% ethical SEO practice aligned to Google's best practice requirements 

100% ethical SEO practice aligned to Google's best practice requirements 

Complete in house off page and on page resources and specialists 

Complete in house off page and on page resources and specialists 

Proven campaign performance across diverse businesses and industries

Proven campaign performance across diverse businesses and industries

Detailed reporting and regular strategic performance review meetings

Detailed reporting and regular strategic performance review meetings

No fixed or minimum term lock in contracts

No fixed or minimum term lock in contracts

Our process

How does Email & Automation work?

Email Marketing

  • Email marketing strategy 
  • Content writing, coordination, sourcing and placement
  • HTML email design aligned to your brand identity 
  • eDM coding 
  • eDM testing, including spam testing 
  • CRM upload and distribution
  • A/B split testing
  • eDM Detailed Performance report against industry benchmark metrics and strategic analysis

Marketing Automation

  • Website CRM integration
  • Marketing automation strategy
  • Email automation flows including copywriting, design and distribution
  • Shopping cart abandonment strategies
  • Lead nurture strategies
  • Lead scoring
  • Website chatbot implementation and configuration
  • Onsite retargeting 
  • Database segmentation 
  • Offsite retargeting

Email & Automation client success

Email & Automation client success
Email & Automation client success

I am thoroughly impressed with the quality of the copy. This independent work here is very welcome and very credible work given I suspect you have never written about this before.

- Commercial Cleaning Client

We've worked across nearly every industry

Consumer Products


Government Services

Training & Development


Building & Construction


Health & Community Services

Retail & Franchising

Property and Real Estate

Mobility and Disability


Health & Beauty Services

Distribution & Wholesaling

Business Services


Facilities Services

Hospitality & Events

Ready to start growing your business with Email Marketing and automation? Get in touch


Email marketing & automation FAQs

How big does my database need to be before I can start email marketing?

Email marketing can be carried out to databases of any size, however, in order to justify the cost of email marketing, we recommend using a database of at least 1,000 members. Collecting and growing an email database should be a focus for all websites, and we can help you implement strategies to grow your database faster if needed.

How often should I be sending emails to my database?

Email communications frequency should be balanced focused on keeping your brand recent and top of mind, but not overcommunicating and annoying leads. At a minimum, we recommend emailing your database every one to two months, however, each eDM should have a strategic focus and add value for your members, rather emailing for the sake of it.

Do people even still read emails?

Yes! Email marketing is one of the longest standing digital marketing activities, and boasts some of the highest engagement and conversion rates of any digital marketing channel. The opt in aspect of email marketing means users are genuinely interested in hearing from your company, making them more likely to engage with an email than other marketing activities.

Which platform should I use to send my emails?

There are numerous email service providers (ESPs) to choose from, with an ever-growing list. A commonly selected platform is MailChimp, which has advantages for simplicity and Businesses with modest sized databases (<10,000 contacts).

However, there are some low cost ESPs to consider (depending on your industry) that could serve your Business more effectively from an Email Marketing and Automation perspective. We have chosen to strategically partner with both ActiveCampaign and Klaviyo, as two primary examples.